Buckminster Fuller Future Organization: SIU



Within the UNION of A and B...are 18 synergistic elements of wealth, where TRUE WEALTH = ideas + energy + inspiration + ability + attitude + production + communication + deployment + love + gratitude + joy + peace + philanthropy + brotherhood + effectiveness + teaching + art-history + action = a well-defined healthy whole = REGENERATIVE globalism = = TRUTH.

The creation, sharing, and extending of halcyon moments, for the many, at peace, IS the moral imperative.

Economic growth decoupled from resource depletion IS the New model, rapidly obsoleting the old model, by design and invention.





"There is no energy crisis, only the Crisis of Ignorance." - R. Buckminster Fuller, 1968. : HIGH VOLTAGE. :  Transform the World.   :   Go. Out. Do.

Never doubt that a small number of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens can Change the World. Indeed, it's the Only Thing that ever Has."  - Margaret Mead

Life is Either a Great Adventure or Nothing."  - Helen Keller

The Care of Human Life and Happiness, and Not their Destruction, is the First and Only object of Good Government.”  - Thomas Jefferson

The Hope of a Secure and Livable World lies with Disciplined Nonconformists who are Dedicated to Justice, Peace and Brotherhood.” - Martin Luther King Jr   

One Person Can Make a Difference, and Everyone Should Try.”- John F. Kennedy

U.N.C.L.E.:United Network of Constitutionalists for Law Enforcement

Those who have sworn the oath to defend the Constitution don’t require a Party.

The Constitution is the Platform.

God who gave us Life gave us Liberty.”  - Thomas Jefferson.

: Go.Out.Do. | playlist.

Does the Individual have the courage to Really go along with the TRUTH?
GREAT SPIRITS have Always encountered Violent Resistance from Feeble Minds.

...starts with one person, one relationship, one family, one neighbor, one neighborhood, one village, one community, one city, one state, one nation, at a time...simultaneously.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” 
"I’m Charles Fuller, and I approve this message, from the beginning, of the beginning."
“Does the individual have the courage to really go along with the TRUTH?”


NO ARMY can stop ideas whose time have come!

     3.8 MW Solar Arrays.                 2.5 MW Fuel Cells.

Private onsite automated microgrid with distributed renewable energy resources, capable of off-grid, reliable, continuous power generation, by MY technical development, selling, selected TEAM design, build, and commissioning, in supporting 24/7/365 continuous large molecule biologics' production, for the benefit of the many.

I'm Charles Fuller, and I approve this message! ✌🏻❤️

The self-owned, freely aligning to IMPERATIVES, emerge relatively unharmed, through the vast array of civilization-at-large outcomes, that are in view.

             Habitat for Humanity.


Epigenetic Recipe for Humanity:

  1. Induce delta waves.
  2. Rest regeneratively for 8 hours. (regeneration occurs within the space between).
  3. Produce chromosomal telomere health.
  4. Add hemi sync  neural oscillation.
  5. Mix with love, gratitude, and joy.  Serves Humanity.  Oh boy!  …..does the winged life deploy!   Ride the Wave!

Effective regenerative seasonings: Co-Q10,  B-12, Iodine, Magnesium, Krill oil, Turmeric, Curcumin, Methyl Folate, A, Probiotics, D-3, Bioastin, K-2, Trans-Resveratrol, Paleo-Aerobics

In the New Republic, members recognize the improper conversion of the representative class into the ruling class, through the effective use of gaslighting, and enjoy the transformative process of amending the Constitution to correct the error, UNDER THE NEW MODEL.

Realization is three-dimensional, a simultaneous comprehension of head, heart, and instinct. It comes only from direct experience.”

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.”

“Either man is obsolete or war is. War is the ultimate tool of politics. Political leaders look out only for their own side. Politicians are always realistically maneuvering for the next election. They are obsolete as fundamental problem-solvers.

“Never doubt that a small number of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

New Constitutional Amendments: (Effective immediately upon Amendments Convention ratification.)

28. Term limits. Senators are limited to two (6) year terms. Representatives are limited to five (2) year terms.

29. Lobbying exclusion. Excludes an individual from serving as a Senator or Representative, and once having served, LOBBYING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

30. Balanced budget. No treasury disbursements shall be permitted without an approved balanced budget.

31. Foreign conquest. Not permitted without an accurate threat assessment to the homeland and approved by direct democratic vote.

32. Global humanitarian aid disbursement.  Not permitted without a matching domestic investment in the infrastructure build out of regenerative urban communities.

 (34) State Legislatures may amend the Constitution accordingly, peacefully, with manageable consequences.


Y = Globalist-oligarch-eugenecists  x ridiculed purchased political parties  x  career lobbyists  x  globalist mainstream media   x  career unelected Deep State bureaucrats  x  Hollywood elites  x  unprosecuted corruption  x  globalist banking cartels  x  globalist technocrats  x  pharmacological reprogramming   x  gross incompetence  x lust for power  x love of money  x  conspicuous consumption corporate fascism  x loss of Good Samaritans  x accelerated singularity x plate tectonics x natural climate change x serial polluters x  Institutionalized ROT x Self-organizing criticality x entropy

"God integrates empirically."   -Albert Einstein.

Y  = old republic COLLECTIVIST NETWORK globalism  = old republic REVERSION SHOCK = THE SWAMP.

Sent From the New Republic.

X  =  New Republic  =  REGENERATIVE Globalism   =  BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY. : Go.Out.Do.  :   playlist.

In the New Republic, all good people  in the arena  enjoy resuming the restoration of the Constitutional republic FROM JFK’s point of interruption, can see for miles and miles, and enjoy Liberty in building out properties and the local means of production, with the capability to sow, nurture, grow, harvest, store, cook, engineer, design, program, automate, construct, process, raise, teach, counsel, hunt, defend, provide, debate, organize, compose, perform, worship, dance, laugh, love, celebrate, and sustain. Members enjoy a career in methods of spontaneous cooperation in the discovery and development of regenerative processes that achieve a well-defined whole.

We are the sheepdogs.
And we are old fashioned and sentimental.
And we don't require others for border protection or building bridges.
And members are made by undying love, devotion, and loyalty to the Constitution.
And we belong to the longest serving Civil Rights organization in the Republic.
And we are happy to participate in the proper pursuit and offering of due process under the
Constitution to the  COLLECTIVIST NETWORK globalist class charlatans who sold out the old republic in their lust for power and the love of money.
And we are ready for what’s next.
Sent from the New Republic.

New Republic. old republic.

“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children the right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”   -John Adams, 1782.

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.”           -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, 1782.

“So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”   -Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry, April 8, 2013.

Majority of members: Knowledge, Military, Guardian, non-mainstream media, and Trade classes. Majority of members: Drug Lord, Education, Entertainment, “Intelligence”, Globalist Banking, Globalist Politicians, mainstream media, Thug, ISIS, and ISIS supporter classes.
Multi-ETHNIC melting pot Nationalism and Patriotism. COLLECTIVIST NETWORK Globalism and racism and the politics of division.
Desiderata. What?
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.
       -Abraham Lincoln, 1859.

“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.”    -Frederick Douglass, 1861.


Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.   -Henry David Thoreau, 1861.


“It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed.”  - Albert Einstein, 1932.


“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.”    - Martin Luther King Jr., 1964.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”    - Albert Einstein, 1948.

"The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite subjects of human possessions, efforts, outward success, luxury have always seemed to me contemptible."  -Albert Einstein, 1949.


“Have you left no sense of decency?”        - Joseph Welch, June 9, 1954.


If children were brought up to become nonconformists it would only ruin their lives. So parents all over China who loved their children told them to do as Chairman Mao said. It was not possible to tell them anything else.”   -Jung Chang, 1992.

JUNE 4, 1989.

"The government was set to protect man from criminals, and the Constitution was written to protect man from the government."  -  Ayn Rand, 1957.


"God is a verb."  “Love is metaphysical gravity.”

Seek first to understand, then be understood.  - R. Buckminster Fuller, 1968.


Realization is three-dimensional, a simultaneous comprehension of head, heart, and instinct. It comes only from direct experience.”  - Dan Millman, 1980.


“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!!”    -  George Carlin,  2005.

Got Tragedy and Hope??

Got the Blueprint??

Got Strategic Relocation??

WE are the Plan.

Break on through...the Kafkaesque Matrix with an ELECTRIFYING experience!

“The society of experts will control propaganda and education. It will teach loyalty to the world government, and make nationalism high treason. The government, being an oligarchy, will instill submissiveness into the great bulk of the population…It is possible that it may invent ingenious ways of concealing its own power, leaving the forms of democracy intact, and allowing the plutocrats or politicians to imagine that they are cleverly controlling these forms…whatever the outward forms may be, all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.”    -   Bertrand Russell, The Scientific Outlook”. 1931.


“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”                   

                    - Aldous Huxley, March 20, 1962.


"I foresee the time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behaviour and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain."

- Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.” 1970.

"To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”  - R. Buckminster Fuller, 1968.

……starts with one individual, one family, one neighborhood, one village, one community, one state, one nation, in spontaneous cooperation.

And deductive logic reveals establishing our Constitutional Republic allowing for the working for 100% of our Constitutional Citizens is required before accepting the ingress of unvetted refugees or exporting of funds to other nations, that are not working for 100% of their citizens. - December 28, 2017.

In the old republic, COLLECTIVIST NETWORK  globalists enjoy accelerating the future shock of a brave new world in a soylent green tinged model, for the benefit of COLLECTIVIST NETWORK  globalists, until they don’t.

…..and members who don’t measure up to the model are properly managed with AI enabled drones, until there are no members left to manage. 

Incoming refugees are praising California Governor Jerry Brown for his generosity in making California the first lawful sanctuary state in the old republic, effective January 1, 2018! And the refugees believe Jerry represents the consent of homeowners, and fully expect to be welcomed into private homes for loving care. Welcome to the Hotel California!

….all the while the cumulative REAL ESTATE holdings of STATE GOVERNMENT continue to escalate.

…..as the federal government sends $768 million to the peninsula of Saudi Arabia for “humanitarian aid.”  - December 19, 2017.

Human antidepressants are building up in the brains of bass, walleye and several other fish common to the Great Lakes region.”

- Charlotte Hsu, PHYS.ORG, August 31, 2017


In the old republic, globalist technocrats enjoy manipulating the human thought genome, with the express intent the transformative suppression of Liberty, Ingenuity, Spontaneous Cooperation, Constructive Competition, Rugged Individualism, Independent Thought, Nationalism, Abundance, and Free Will.


Today America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”     - Henry Kissinger, 1991 Bilderberg Speech, Evians, France.

The role of the U.S. military is the preservation and protection of the sovereign United States of America and all of her Constitutional citizens. The role of the U.S. military is to advance the globalist agenda as defined by COLLECTIVIST NETWORK socialist members of the Bilderberg group, Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations.
Esteem the human values of freedom, liberty, and independence for all Constitutional citizens. Esteem the values defined by the COLLECTIVIST NETWORK operated government and taught in Common Core and hip hop culture.
All Constitutional citizens are valued. Relies upon the stupidity of the American voter.
Educate the youth on the motives that drove the creation of the Declaration of Independence. Educate the youth on strict conformance to the Common Core defined norm, hip hop culture, and disdain for the Constitution.
Savagely self-sufficient. 
Climate Change.  RRR.  Pacific Drought.  Aquaponics.   Carry On.
Savagely dependent upon the enriching benefits of influence peddling, bribery, extortion, kickbacks, racketeering, treason, and sedition.
Individual unalienable rights are endowed by the Creator and protected by the U.S. Constitution. Individual rights are sacrificed to the COLLECTIVIST NETWORK and not protected by the executive branch.
My Message.  - Robert Henry “Cy” Fuller, 2005. Who??
The shadow government??

Democrat senator Chuck Schumer threatens Trump with "intelligence" community retribution.                 -January 4, 2017.      



“Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.”     
 -  George Carlin, 1991.


Enforce border security and screen immigrants based on their capacity to contribute to the strength of the Constitutional republic.

Welcome the masses of immigrants and ensure the ignorant, hostile, and ill-informed are given preferential treatment, and enjoy expanding our voting bloc, to maintain power.

"A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved.  It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins."     -  Ben Franklin, 1782.

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand on its own.”    -  Thomas Jefferson, 1782. What?? 
“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.”  -Patrick Henry, 1787.

OK. Let's fix it!!
Wealth without Philanthropy  is like...
Capitalism without Conscience is like...
Government without Oversight is like...
Eisenhower's Farewell Address and is CORRECTED with the Lauch of the New Republic.  October 7, 2018.

Special thanks to the inspiring work of BFI. Building out a regenerative world one relationship at a time...simultaneously.

Does the individual really have the courage to go along with the TRUTH?

"It is a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
-John F. Kennedy.

X = New Republic 
REGENERATIVE Globalism. BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY. : Go.Out.Do.  :  playlist.

"There is no energy, food, or environmental crisis; only the crisis of ignorance."
 -R. Buckminster Fuller.

HIGH VOLTAGE : Transform the world.


The purpose of the Deep State  is the (im)proper assemblage of personal data to extort Congressional votes.

This is how easy it is to heist 8 TRILLION DOLLARS to fund campaigns and "nation building" in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

The additional terror benefit of displaced inhabitants enjoying globalist directed open borders, safe passage, motive for retribution, a host population incapable of defending themselves or even recognizing the threat, simply adds to the globalist conquest.

 Y = Globalist-oligarch-eugenecists x ridiculed purchased political parties  x  career lobbyists  x  globalist mainstream media   x  career unelected Deep State bureaucrats  x  Hollywood elites  x  unprosecuted corruption  x  globalist banking cartels  x  globalist technocrats  x  pharmacological reprogramming   x  gross incompetence  x lust for power  x love of money  x  conspicuous consumption corporate fascism x loss of Good Samaritans x accelerated singularity x plate tectonics x natural climate change x serial polluters x  Institutionalized ROT x Self-organizing criticality  x entropy

"God integrates empirically."   - Albert Einstein.

Y  = old republic COLLECTIVIST NETWORK globalism = old republic REVERSION SHOCK

“Barack Obama made a WILLFUL DECISION to allow the rise of ISIS.”  -Michael Flynn, August 11, 2015.

All Obama executive orders and decrees are promptly tossed into the shredder, as this inveterate lovable loser and his Department of Justice are apprehended and offered due process under the very same Constitution they abdicated. What??

“Obama is the Worst President In Our History; He Looted America. There is a good film in all this. A cautionary tale about a Republic in crisis.

But America is not ready for it yet. The third act isn’t finished. We need arrests. -Clint Eastwood, December 20, 2017.
GOOD RIDDANCE!! Exit Hope and Change.    - December 26, 2016.

All we are saying, is give peace a chance.      -November 15, 2016.

Corrupt pathological liar and Nobel Peace prize recipient Barack Hussein Obama drops a record 26,171 bombs in 2016.   -January 5, 2017.

China, with a population of 1.4 billion, no ethnic diversity, no Bill of Rights, no elected government, no consent of the governed,  minimal pollution and safety controls, and government operated “justice” and media organizations, enjoys offering their services to the COLLECTIVIST NETWORK in leading the “globalization” effort.   -January 15, 2017.

What? Got 8??
The COLLECTIVIST NETWORK is rejected in favor of building out properties and the local means of production, with the capability to sow, nurture, grow, harvest, store, cook, engineer, design, program, automate, construct, process, raise, teach, counsel, hunt, defend, provide, debate, organize, compose, perform, worship, dance, laugh, love, celebrate, and sustain. Members enjoy a career in methods of spontaneous cooperation in the discovery and development of processes that achieve a well-defined whole.  

The COLLECTIVIST NETWORK leads the war of words, geo-political threats, troop movements, guided missile movements, social unrest, unlawful immigration, and enjoys producing record numbers of impoverished old republic members treated for hypertension, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, depression, addiction, and divorce, and a record 26,171 bombs dropped in 2016.

When fear becomes collective, when anger becomes collective, it’s extremely dangerous. It is overwhelming… The mass media and the military-industrial complex create a prison for us, so we continue to think, see, and act in the same way… We need the courage to express ourselves even when the majority is going in the opposite direction… because a change of direction can happen only when there is a collective awakening… Therefore, it is very important to say, ‘I am here!’ to those who share the same kind of insight.   -Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen master, poet, and scholar, The Art of Power. July 1, 2008.

“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”   President Trump, January 20, 2017. What???

"Love vanquishes all attackers."    -  Lao Tzu, 530 B.C.

“God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice.”   –  Job 34:12, 1800 B.C. What???

Michael Flynn resigns as National Security Advisor. 

  -   February 14, 2017.

The unelected Deep State, led by Chuck Schumer, Strikes Back!     >Read more here  and  here.

President Trump delivers a highly acclaimed speech to a joint session of Congress.      - February 28, 2017. What?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself from any investigation into Russian involvement in the election.            - March 2, 2017.

Yes! Another stunning victory for the Deep State!
President Trump asserts his campaign’s telephones were tapped by President Obama.    
March 4, 2017.
What? But James Clapper assures us it did not happen!
Got Vault 7?    - March 7, 2017. What?
What??? Not thinly veiled.    -March 11, 2017.
What??? We’ve got Ray!    -March 16, 2017.
Back to the garden. What??
“…..for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.”  - Ecclesiastes 7:9.              
- Solomon 400 B.C.
We are such stuff that dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”  - Shakespeare, 1599. What??   
“The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.”  - George Patton, 1942.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”    Sun Tzu, 500 B.C.

Seek first to understand, then be understood.  -Kevin Shipp, Former CIA. September 16, 2017. Ok. Let's Fix it!!


After an 8 trillion dollar Globalist directed, taxpayer funded “campaign”  in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, displaced inhabitants enjoy globalist directed open borders, safe passage, motive for retribution, and a host population incapable of defending themselves or even recognizing the threat.

Wealth without Philanthropy is like Capitalism without Conscience. Agreed!!
“For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime-change war after the next, leading us into a new cold war and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end.”
- Tulsi Gabbard, June 27, 2019.

koyaanisqatsi  ko:yaa:nis:qatsi    this day.    Got love??    Who Do You Love?

 Got comedy??   Not Fragile.    Say Goodbye to Hollywood.    Sail On.

Still Light.    Alive.    Counsel of the Wise.    Wildfire.    Desiderata.

Pleasant Valley Sunday.    Closer to home.     Anybody here?

Sing For the Day.   Beginning of Wisdom.   40.   Crystal Blue Persuasion.    

HIGH VOLTAGE. :  transform the world.   Welcome Back!


 I must let the show go on.



Members enjoy a career in methods of spontaneous cooperation in the discovery and  development of processes that achieve a well-defined whole.

Share the tool!!
"Transform from weaponry to livingry."

"The best way to predict the future is to design it."

"Don't fight forces, use them."

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."

"War is the ultimate tool of politics."
Thanks for the tool!

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

             - David, Psalm 23, 875 B.C.


ENTER THE YOUNG (of all ages).


X = New Republic REGENERATIVE Globalism. BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY. : transform the world.



Global elite collectivists at the top of the COLLECTIVIST NETWORK, are expressing dissatisfaction at the disruption of their NWO project by the troublesome nationalism expressed by Constitutionalists. Therefore, the replacement of the troublesome element with ambidextrous sentient  artificial intelligence, monitoring and directing of the human thought genome through integrated global internet social COLLECTIVIST NETWORKs, and enforcement by AI connected drones is the only logical solution, in the old republic.  And the accelerated destruction of humanity through the use of patsy snipers, induced climate events, induced wildfires, induced contagion, destruction of the family unit and patriotism, and pharmacological mind control is part of the program, until the remainder of humanity submits to the project.

Y = Globalist-oligarch-eugenecists x ridiculed purchased political parties  x  career lobbyists  x  globalist mainstream media   x  career unelected Deep State bureaucrats  x  Hollywood elites  x  unprosecuted corruption  x  globalist banking cartels  x  globalist technocrats  x  pharmacological reprogramming   x  gross incompetence  x lust for power  x love of money  x  conspicuous consumption corporate fascism x loss of Good Samaritans x accelerated singularity x plate tectonics x natural climate change x serial polluters x  Institutionalized ROT
x Self-organizing criticality x entropy

"God integrates empirically."   -Albert Einstein.

Y  = old republic  COLLECTIVIST NETWORK globalism = old republic REVERSION SHOCK = THE SWAMP.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

      - Jesus Christ.

...NO ARMY can stop IDEAS whose time HAVE come (and implementation)...

Distributed Infrastructure Deployment (DID).

WEALTH WITH PHILANTHROPY is like Capitalism WITH Conscience, is like Government WITH Oversight, is like Eisenhower's Farewell Address, and is IMPLEMENTED with the launch of the New Republic.

The role of the U.S. military is the preservation and protection of the Constitution, the sovereign United States of America, and ALL of her Constitutional citizens, from enemies foreign and domestic.

“Does the individual have the courage to really go along with the TRUTH?”

It is a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.”

When TRUTH represents an existential threat, then censorship is deployed.”

Confident that with YOUR help, man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

John F. Kennedy.

I think it’s time to get ready!

Autarky: If your time to you is worth savin’!

Love : Gratitude : Joy : Counsel of the Wise. : Desiderata. :  ko:yaa:nis:qatsi : Forever young.

……starts with one person, one relationship, one family, one neighbor, one neighborhood, one village, one community, one city, one state, one nation, at a time....simultaneously.


Distributed Infrastructure Deployment (DID).

Definition: Palletized material and design, kitted for rapid deployment of regenerative AND abundantly organic:  Power Generation, Water Treatment, Agricultural Production, Aquatic Production, Natural Animal Husbandry, Brewing, Distilling, HAZARD Resistant Housing, Engineering and Trades construction on-the-site training and installation, all in driving resilient distributed local abundance, one person, one relationship, one family, one neighbor, one neighborhood, one community, one village, one city, one state, one nation, at a time…simultaneously.

I’m Charles Fuller, ..and I DID that and continue to do so, as an exercise in abundant Free Enterprise. #WWG1WGA


REDIRECT U.S. taxpayer funds FROM corrupt banana republics directly TO NEW SETTLEMENTS summed with Free Enterprise philanthropic construction of local REGENERATIVE distributed infrastructures and education of the displaced.

...and marvel at the results.

X = New Republic = REGENERATIVE Globalism. = BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY. : Go.Out.Do.

HIGH VOLTAGE : transform the world.

“Politicians are obsolete as fundamental problem solvers.”

“WAR is the ultimate tool of politics.”

“Where there is no vision, there is no hope.”

"It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins."

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave."

CONSTITUTIONALISM.….is the new counterculture!

Sent from the New Republic.




1967 : 2017.

1968 : 2018.

1969 : 2019.

1970 : 2020.















Sent from the New Republic.


Left: German National Socialism. Right: Soviet Communism.

Italian Fascism.

Spanish national syndicalism.



Cognitive Resonance:  The connecting, comprehending, integrating, and synchronization with the continuous receipt of gravitational waves produces the highest levels of consciousness, energy, the highest order of love of humanity, creativity, synchronicity, and spontaneous cooperation in consciously choosing to live in balance and harmony with all existence.



The best business continuity planning is directly linked to continuity of energy.


In the New Republic, members spontaneously link the energies of solar, wind, cellulosic ethanol, diesel, biogas, high efficiency engines, fuel cells, flywheels,  turbines, battery storage, heat recovery, and solid state transformation, in producing resilient microgrids representing a well-defined and distributed whole.

……and it’s not done for the love of money or the lust for power, but rather the love of humanity.

Disruption in the space-time continuum………



……is best viewed through a telescope at the beach.

According to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, matter bends the fabric of space and time. The distortion of the space-time continuum even affects the behavior of light……and humans.


...redefines and simplifies particle physics. It is electromotive force holding Universe in suspension, not gravity, thus displacing the old model, and introducing new methods of exploration, space travel, communication, and comprehension, spontaneously.

……starts with one person, one relationship, one family, one neighbor, one neighborhood, one village, one city, one state, one nation, at a time....simultaneously.












“There are only two things we should fight for.

One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.”

- Smedley Butler, 1935.

War is the ultimate tool of politics.”

Politicians are obsolete as fundamental problem solvers.”

 - R. Buckminster Fuller, 1968.

Link.. Link.. Link..


Go placidly amid the
noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;

For the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.


He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise. 

Be yourself.
especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.





Got Edison??      Got Bucky??


"Gentle On My Mind"
It's knowing that your door is always open
And your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowing I'm not shackled
By forgotten words and bonds
And the ink stains that are dried upon some line

That keeps you in the backroads
By the rivers of my memory
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind

It's not clinging to the rocks and ivy
Planted on their columns now that bind me
Or something that somebody said
Because they thought we fit together walking
It's just knowing that the world will not be cursing
Or forgiving when I walk along some railroad track and find

That you're moving on the backroads
By the rivers of my memory
And for hours you're just gentle on my mind

Though the wheat fields and the clothes lines
And the junkyards and the highways come between us
And some other woman's cryin' to her mother
'Cause she turned and I was gone
I still might run in silence tears of joy might stain my face
And the summer sun might burn me 'til I'm blind

But not to where I cannot see
You walkin' on the backroads
By the rivers flowing gentle on my mind

I dip my cup of soup back from a gurglin'
cracklin' caldron in some train yard
My beard a roughening coal pile,
And a dirty hat pulled low across my face
Through cupped hands 'round the tin can
I pretend to hold you to my breast and find

That you're waiting from the backroads
By the rivers of my memories
Ever smilin' ever gentle on my mind.

"Tomorrow never knows"
Turn off your mind relax and float down stream
It is not dying, it is not dying

Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining.

Yet you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being

Love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing

And ignorance and hate mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing

But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not leaving, it is not leaving

So play the game "Existence" to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning.

"Humanity is taking its final examination. We have come to an extraordinary moment where it doesn’t have to be you or me. There is enough for all. We need not operate competitively any longer. If we succeed, it will be because of youth, truth and love.”

"Tom Sawyer"
A modern-day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
He reserves the quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government
Always hopeful yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness, catch the wit
Catch the spirit, catch the spit
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide
Exit the warrior
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to the friction of the day.

From The Beginning"
There might have been things I missed
But don't be unkind
It don't mean I'm blind
Perhaps there's a thing or two

I think of lying in bed
I shouldn't have said
But there it is

You see it's all clear
You were meant to be here
From the beginning

Maybe I might have changed
And not been so cruel
Not been such a fool
Whatever was done is done
I just can't recall
It doesn't matter at all

You see it's all clear
You were meant to be here
From the beginning.

"Blue Sky"
Walk along the river, sweet lullaby,
it just keeps on flowing,
It don't worry 'bout where it's going, no, no.
Don't fly, mister blue bird,
I'm just walking down the road,
Early morning sunshine,
tell me all I need to know

You're my blue sky,
you're my sunny day,
Lord, you know it makes me high when you turn your love my way,
Turn your love my way, yeah.

Good old Sunday morning, bells are ringing everywhere.
Goin' to Carolina,
it won't be long and I'll be there
You're my blue sky,
you're my sunny day.
Lord, you know it makes me high
when you turn your love my way,
Turn your love my way, yeah.

"In the New Republic, destructive competition is displaced with spontaneous cooperation, and it works under all forms of economic and political systems, and is as immutable as Earth is to Universe. And constructive competition provides for the only tolerable revolution by invention and design."

Speak YOUR truth quietly and clearly.

22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.    - Proverbs 17:22

In the old republic, members are indoctrinated to living in negative fear, with scarcity and survival of the fittest as the theme, and enjoy choosing destructive competition in the pursuit of personal advancement, at the expense of humanity, and justify the behavior as required to earn a living on Earth.

In the New Republic, members are experienced in living in positive charge, with abundance and survival of humanity as the theme, and enjoy choosing constructive competition in the pursuit of the advancement of humanity, and the behavior is a natural part of living in Universe.

Oh boy! .......Love, Gratitude, and Joy, does the winged life deploy!

Love. Gratitude. Joy.  

Go. Out. Do.

......and that's all I have to say about that. 

CONSTITUTIONALISM...is the new counterculture.
REPRISE Writing.  
...for the birds that have flown.  04/16/21.
ALL dynamic systems require diversity. 11/12/20.


An old cowboy went riding out.
2022 Walden 2.0   01/18/22.
290 collective years of swamp construction. 08/25/20. 

50-year cycle. 11/14/20. 

6 ways from Sunday, right Chuck?
247 Trillion.
70 Trillion.
$150 million per gram.
A 9-step plan to reduce the threat of IRAN 1/5/20.
A bunch of okie-dokie is ensuring... 5/18/20. 
A case to be filed under 'M'.

A dose of Dylan Thomas, for the ages.
A few of my favorite things.
A Fuller View.
A Fuller View, too.
A Higher Loyalty.

A Love Supreme. 
A modern-day Tom Sawyer development center. 11/13/20.
A patriotic Democrat.

A patriotic Democrat too.
A river runs through it.
A space in time.
A tale of two republics. 11/27/20.
A true SPECTRE.  07/19/20.
A wall is an immorality.

Abating the anger...  01/20/21.  

Acknowledged:  Rock - Paper - Scissors. 07/18/21.
ACQUITTED  02/09/20.

ACTIONS congruent with the teachings....10/2/20. ACTIVATED.  10/8/19.
Age of Aquarius or Bad Moon Rising?
All along the watchtower.
All come to look for America, too. 02/21/21.
ALL have access to a Norman Rockwell existence. 12/05/21.
All humanity shall know peace.
ALL is not lost!  09/13/20.
ALL TRUE egalitarian-based effort... 12/24/20.
All will be revealed. 
All things must pass.  

All things must pass away.  01/23/21.
ALL we are saying is give TRUTH. 01/22/21.
All we are saying is give truth a chance.  
All we are saying is give truth a chance, too. 

Aligning for the Fallout 02/12/20.
Alignments, METACognition, and Action.
American interests 01/06/20.
Amish OUTLAWS.   10/11/21.
An old Cherokee... 09/09/21.

ANALYSIS: Revolutionary pivot BY DESIGN. 

and I feel fine.  
And in this corner.... 
And it makes ONE wonder.
And neither are WE, QUID PRO JOE.  10/2/19.

And so I say to you... 10/17/21.
And so I demonstrate to YOU.  12/26/21.

and STILL they lead me back.
AND the drumbeat of war goes on.

And the IOWA Democratic Caucus Winner is... 2/4/20.
...And now YOU have the rest of the story 2/22/20.
And the sheepdog guards and informs the flock. 
Angels don't play this HAARP. 
Antidote to the plot. 
Archduke Ferdinand class theatrical events....
Archduke moment meets the Ides of March.

1970 is calling. 
2018: Year of the (Sheep)dog.   
200 rivers. 
Amphibious POC.  
Another thing coming.  
As 2018 is to 1968. 
As 2018 is to 1968, too.

As 2019 is to 1969.
As 2019 is to 1969, too.

As 2021 is to 1971, in the old republic.  06/10/21.
As 2021 is to 1971, in the New Republic.  07/10/21.
As 2021 is to 1971!   11/26/21.
As a well-spent day...  09/20/21.
As the miller told his tale.

Asceticism is the new "In" crowd. 07/5/21.

At first flash of Eden.....06/03/21. 
At the old grist mill.
Attn.: NBC and GE. 

Autarky: If your time to you is worth savin' !! 3/21/20.
Aw! Such sweet AI enabled critters!

Awaken to the Truth! !! 11/20/21.
Back to the Garden.

Back to the garden of Epicurus!
Bankers profit in panic and war.
Basis of Design.  
Battle Hymns for the Republic.
Be the happy blokes strumming the instruments. 03/13/22.
Befoul the unholy alliance. 01/31/20. 
Beginning of wisdom. 

Behold, as the "overpopulation" committee... 02/15/20.
Being in the Flow State. 05/11/21.
Be a Reflection! 12/06/21.    
Be not astonished.        
Be the plan.     
Because it's summer!    
Because "they" wanted it that way. 

Ben. Called. It. 01/15/21. 
Ben Franklin called it. 06/03/20. 

Ben provies clarity.
Bernie got a late start, bless HIS heart! 
Better get ready.   
Beware the Ides of March. 
Beware the Ides of March, too. 
Beyond a wholesome discipline...

Biden's Hitlerian Mandate.  09/11/21.
BIG wheels keep on turning.
Billion dollar baby games without frontiers. 
Blame "IT" on the shift in magnetic north. 

Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven. 08/17/20.
Blood will be born in the birth of a Nation.

Both Sides Now. 
Brand New Key.

Break on through the Matrix.
Break on through the Matrix, too.
Breathe in the Air. 05/07/22.
Broadcasting the receipt.  12/08/20.
Builder got the memo.

Building the new!  10/12/20.
But I swear in the days still left.  11/03/20.
By Order of his eminence... 09/22/21. 
Calamity is not YOUR destination.

Calamity IS reversible.  02/13/21.

Can humanity be convinced in time? 07/24/20.  
Can I make your Garden grow? 
Cannot be purchased.  
Cannot be purchased, TOO.
Capacity to See Beauty.  11/04/21. 
Central banks shoveling digital fiat currency....
Change Agents. 
Cannot drown out a single word. 

Castigated for the latter.  01/13/21.
Chance favors the prepared mind! 07/08/20.

Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. 
Change record required.

Chicken Fried.  06/12/21.
Chicken Littles.

China preparing to "reunify" with Taiwan.

China was invited to consume the old republic.

CHLOROX is an allegory... 05/02/20.  
CHRONICLED: Loving self over country.

Civil Heretics.

Civilization Rebirth: Core Principles 03/05/22.
Classic Liberalism.    

Classic Rope-A-Dope.    10/28/21.
Clean your plates Zhang and Li!! 12/16/19.  
Close encounters of the "boom" kind. 
Closer to home.   
Closer to the heart.   
Collect this, Mark.  
Colliding tidal waves.
Comey Pyle.  
Coming in at the wrong time for YOU, Bill.
Communists v. Constitutionalists. 01/29/20.
Come on and STIR IT UP!  02/23/20.
Compared to What?  08/23/20.
Complete the connections. 
Conditions are favorable for peace... 

Confidence to stand alone.  07/07/21.
Confirmation bias rejected.

Congress is MOST agreeable...
Compromised assets.  10/21/20.
Constitutionalalists ARE the lifelines.

Constitutionalism IS the new counterculture!! 3/28/20.   
Consulting Engineering Leaders.  06/29/20.
Continual crisis.

Conventional thought disrupted. 10/26/20. Conversion from Golden to Sanctuary.
Coronavirus infections WILL NOT 'officially' increase in the U.S. 02/28/20. 
Cosmic Pairings.

Could be an eventful summer...for some.
Country boys WILL survive.

Corrupted descendants. 04/28/21.
COVID-19: The more YOU know. 10/03/20.

Crisis of ignorance. 

Crystal Blue Persuasion. 
Daddy tried. 

Damnit Jim!

Damnit Jim I'm a Doctor!  02/18/20. 
Damnit Jim! I'm a medical doctor, not a forensic anthropologist!!
Damnit! It's NOT a WALL!!  
Dance again. 
Dances with wolves. 
Dances of the living dead.

Danny boy.  08/11/20. 
Days of Future Passed. 05/12/21.
DEACTIVATION.  11/17/21.
Dedicated to Barack, Hillary, and the Gang!! 
Dedicated to YOU. 
Dedicated to YOU, too. 
Deep State Games without Frontiers.

Deep State "President" Pelosi has spoken 01/15/20. 

Deja vu. 08/22/21.
Delta women think the world of me.

Developers bet on "long evolution".... 08/02/21. 
Diabolically Brilliant.  11/19/21. 
Did they get you to trade? 05/01/20. 

Didn't you love the things...

Different level of thinking. 01/14/21. 
Diffusing Clear and Present Dangers. 01/14/21. 

Disruption in the political class status quo...
Distributed Infrastructure Deployment. 
Divine spark. 

Do the math.

Do not pray for easier lives.
Do you know what I know? 12/21/20. 

Doctor my eyes.... 10/05/20. 

Does the very same Pathocracy.... 09/01/21.
Don't call for your surgeon... 04/21/20. 

Don't know how to explain it 03/08/20. 
Don't let it happen.     10/31/19.

Don't lose your head over politics.
Don't you feel it growing, day by day??  05/10/21.
Driving Home For Christmas. 09/26/21.

Dual Nature of Light.
Due process.
Dust Bowl II. 
Dustification: Dr. Judy Wood.
Dwindling days.
Eagles don't flock. 

Eagle Flew Out of the Night!  11/6/21. 
Early 70's SUMMER is  calling! 4/23/20. 
Econ DEFCON-3 3/14/20.  

Effective art delivers truth 
Either you connect to this is TRUE time... 
Electromotive waves and planetary behavior. 
Elevation converts blue meanies.
Elite Supper Club.
Emerging calamities of BIBLICAL PROPORTION.  09/04/20.
ENERGY hedge.
Enhancing shareholder value.
Enduring acts of creation are CONSTRUCTIVE! 10/04/20.
Enemies of Peace, Tranquility, and Posterity. 11/22/21.
Energy Diversity.  03/28/22.
Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. 07/06/21.
Enlightened Commoners. 07/25/21. 
Entertainment division.   

Entropy: The final percolating variable.  02/19/21. Epigenetics allows...

Essentially non-workers.  04/24/20.
Eternal Sunshine of the Brightest Minds! 12/21/21.
Evacuate to where, EXACTLY?  09/12/20.
Even after all this time.

Every kind of people.

Every Life is better as an alchemist.  03/29/22.
Everybody's (in the New Republic) Gonna Jump For Joy!  10/29/21.

Everybody knows.
Everybody's talkin'....

Everyone is Now Dumber! 08/06/24.
Everything that is OUTRAGEOUS... 09/25/20.

Evoking Roosevelt.
EXODUS 01/03/20.
EXPANSION of Local Supply Chains!   12/19/21.
Extended zero-bound. 07/03/20.
EXTREME VOID.  12/09/21.  
Eyes NOT wide shut. 10/30/21.

Fake v. Real Happiness.
Fahrenheit 405!
Fahrenheit 451.

Failure Mode Effects Analysis (of the old republic) 06/06/20.
Falcon and the spaceman.
Fascist liberalism. 
Fathers, daughters, and sons of peace.
Father Universe has the final say on matter.

Favorable quantum outcomes. 08/01/21.
FBI is bigger.

Fealty to a higher law. 08/02/20. 
Federal payroll. 

Financial Games Without Frontiers...03/26/20. 
File under 'M' for mankind.

Fire and fury.
FIVE by design.      
Fleecing of the sheep by design.

Fly through the revolution. 02/07/21. 
Flowers cover everything!! 
For the times they are a-changin'.    
For the times they are a changin', too 03/07/20. 
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.  

Forever young. 07/12/20. 
Forgiveness accelerates the launch  to SYNCHRONICITY.  10/06/20.
Frame of reference. 05/26/21.
Free to roam about the cabin of life!  04/02/22.

Freedom friendly Nike's!
Free Enterprise + Philanthropy =  

Freedom of the press is guaranteed ONLY to those who OWN one.  09/10/20.
From a Chinese perspective....08/17/20.
Further consolidation.  06/23/21.
Future Shock: Reversion Shock. 02/17/21.

FW Just make it disappear Hillary! 
Games People Play.  03/10/22.
Games without frontiers.  
Gee Dad, can we cross to Mexico!?  

Genius IS as Genius DOES....11/29/20.
George Floyd is now an allegory. 05/30/20.

George the LEFTIST.  

Geriatric Douchebags.  10/05/21. 
Getting in tune.  
Gift of the JEDI.
Gift of the Magi. 
Globalist games without frontiers.
Globalist end game 03/15/20. 
Globalists launch MAXIMUM counter-offensive 03/02/20.
Go tell it on the mountain!
Go tell it on the mountain II 01/05/20. 
GOD is a verb.  
God, it looks like Daniel.

Goldman Sachs is CRUSHING IT!!  07/16/20. 
Good Americans.

Goodbye crazy city.  04/25/20. 
Gosh Jeff... 05/06/20  
Gosh Steve and Jeff... 02/01/20 

Got a feeling '21 is going to be a good year! 10/25/20. 
Got Blackout?? 
Got Overton Window?? 
Got self organizing criticality?  

Got the Bill?  
Got Xi??  
GRAN Torino THIS Independence Day.  
Gravitational waves.

GREASE is the word!  05/07/21.
Greatest hits.


Green Dragon Tavern  03/06/20.
Growth, Maturation, Entropy, Rebirth.  03/03/22.
Gross Incompetence.  
GRUNCH explained.  

Gulf of Tonkin Redux?   
Had just about enough.  

Hair of the Dog 02/11/20.
Hair of the (Sheep)dog.

Hair Days are here again!  09/23/21.
Halcyon Moments.  08/26/22.
Happy hour.    
Happy Father's Day! 
Happy Greenstock 2019!! 
Happy Labor Day! 
Happy Labor Day, too! 
Happy Mother's Day! 
Happy North Carolina Thanksgiving Day! 
Happy Memorial Day, too!
Happy Memorial Day, too!
Happy Veterans AND Armistice Day! 

Has proven prescient...06/24/21.
Have YOU 5s'd today? 10/27/20.
He took it upon himself. 02/14/21.
He who binds himself to a joy....04/18/20.
Healing and Restoration.

Hegelian dialectic: Problem. Reaction. Solution. 03/18/20.
Hello sunshine won't you stay?
Heluva price.
Henry Poole is here.  
Heart of the matter.  

Hemi Sync Neural Oscillation. 02/18/21.
Herb wisdom.
Here comes the right foot.
Here comes the sun king.
Here, there, and everywhere.
Here they come....
Hey Google and Mark, COLLECT THIS!
Hey Google and Mark, RATE THIS!

Hey Buddy, can ya spare a trillion?? 10/06/21.
Hey Hey My My.....12/19/20.

Hide not your talents.

Hide NOT your talents. 04/05/21.

Higher Ground. 09/13/21.
History BEFORE it Happens. 01/16/21.
History rhymes. 10/23/21.
History unleashed.

His truth is marching on. 
Holiday Road!

Homeostasis.  00/15/21.
Hong Kong and Taiwan DEFCON-3. 05/23/20.
Housecoat Hillary Memoirs.

How Long? 06/11/20.
How are those "re-education" camps working out for you Xi?

How can Cortez and Trump BOTH be correct?
How can this be the POOREST state?
How is that $9 an hour engineering labor working out for you Dennis??
How much torque? 

Hunter Biden and Rockin' Rudy! 10/23/20.
I have seen infinity for the globalist oligarchs. 12/07/20.
I don't know how to explain it. 
I got a bad feeling about this. 
I Got the Juice by Design and Build! 11/28/21.
I just can't believe...  
I just want to celebrate!  
I see friends shaking hands. 02/20/21.
I vote for free enterprise. 
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine. 

  IEEE Code of Ethics. 
If I were a carpenter. 
If I were a carpenter, too. 
If there is a silver lining...05/07/20.
If WE are a problem... 
If you could read my mind. 
If you're going to San Francisco. 
I'll be there. 

IMPERIAL OWNERS Revealed.  10/04/21.
I must let the show go on. 

I'm Going Back.  09/28/21. 
I'm with her. 
I'm for the truth 
I'm for the truth, too. 
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

I'm younger than that now.   01/30/21.
Imperial Oligarch Financial Bolsheviks.  11/5/21.
Informing ALL energy discussion.  01/8/22.
In deference to the Shepherd.

In the vast continuum...04/30/20.
In Unity With Illimitable-Spirit and Nature. 11/24/21.
Indian Summer.
Indian Summer.  11/12/21.
Independents ARE the majority. 
Ineffective management fails to reduce risk. 
Initial it with loving care.

Inject a new dimension. 02/03/21.
Inspector Callahan has left San Francisco. 11/10/21. Institutional investors have shrugged off concern...01/24/20.
Institutionalized ROT 12/25/19.
Institutionalized ROT II 12/25/19. 
Integral calculus and consumption. 
Intelligent disobedience.

INVASION....of the money-changers!  09/29/21. 
In a time of universal deceit. 

In addition to cyclic pattern recognition...06/14/21. 
In my life. 

In Service to the TRUTH.  12/14/21. 
In the arena.  
In the beginning of a change. 
In the realm of synchronicity. 

In this corner....10/22/20.
Insurance policy expired. 
IRISH EYES are smiling.
Irrational anger v. Righteous indignation.  
"Irregular channels" are NOT approved by Deep State.  11/15/19.
Is it too much to ask? 
It is better.... 01/05/21.
It takes nothing to join the crowd.   10/31/21.
I know the old man would laugh. 
I see us in the park. 
It starts with the "where". 
I swear it's not too late. 
I think he was speaking of you. 
I think it's time to get ready. 
It appears to be a long time coming. 

It IS getting sporting.  12/12/21.
It was 50 years ago today!!
IT WAS her turn. 
It's about drawing a plan.
It's a Beautiful Morning! 06/27/21.
It's a BIG IDEA. 01/09/21.
It's a bigger plan.

It's a Highway Song.  09/15/21
It's a KNOCKOUT! 11/27/21.
It's a Wonderful Life...in the New Republic. 

It's ALL I can do.  01/06/22.
It's an Eminence Front.  08/29/20.
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire.  11/30/20.
It's just what George Bailey does. 
It's NOT about equality. 
It's NOT a border wall!! 
It's not complicated. 09/05/22.
It's not a wall!! It's a PEACE train!! 1/4/20.
It's the Will of the People... 2/20/20.
It is an Empire accounting problem. 07/23/20.

It is an electric universe. 08/23/21.
It is easier for a camel...

It is NO secret!  11/14/21.
It is NOT for lack of Paul Revere, ACT II ... 09/20/21.
It is NOT the destiny... 07/28/21.
It is STILL sequestered.  09/04/21.
It is the summer of love....04/19/21.
JFK Revisited 3/5/20.
Joe "Cant' Recall" Biden.  09/30/21.
John Barleycorn.

Joy in creative expression...
Jury Nullification.
Just one word: 1/8/20.
Just walk away. 
Just watching the river flow.
Kansas connection.

Keep on Rocking in the Free World! 01/26/22.
Keys to survival.

Kiss From a Rose.  11/20/21.
Kleptocrat games. 
Kleptocrat games without frontiers.

Knee-capping hydrocarbon production.  11/1/21.
Know thy solar minimum cause...

KNOW thy timelines 4/11/20.
KY assessment is coming.

Ladies and Gentlemen, PLACE your bets! 7/6/20.
Launch of the New Republic!  10/7/18.
Land Ho!

Laughter IS the BEST medicine! 03/19/21.
Latitude and elevation.
Leftists confused.
Leftists working overtime.
Let joy come unasked, unplanned.  02/06/21.
Let it rain!  9/20/20.

Let me tell you a tale that is often told.
Let's begin again.

Let Your Light Shine!  11/29/21.

Lies the seed, that with the Son's love...
Life at FULLER THROTTLE!  10/14/21.
Life in a northern town.

Life in real time. 
Life IS better in the Constitutional Republic.

Like a ROCK. 06/19/21.
Like a rolling stone.

Little Anthony and the Imperials.  09/23/21.
Little wing.

Live and lead by the vision. 06/11/21.
Living in the past... 
Living in the past...now. 
Living in the past, into the future, BY DESIGN.

Logic will get you from A to B... 07/29/21.
Long on the New Republic. 
Love ain't for keeping. 
Love is in the air in the New Republic. 
Love of Republic is in the air. 
Love is the only force...

LOVE is the only force capable...01/18/21.
Love rejoices with truth.

Love Street.
Love unlimited.
Lovely days don't come to you...
Magnanimous forbearance.
Making Iran Persia Again.
Maybe they'll have a better understanding.
May be a price to pay.
May the force be with you.  09/03/21.
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.  4/26/20.
Means of production.
Meeting of the Kim.
Meet the new Royalty. 11/22/19.

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

“We must not let our rulers lead us with perpetual debt.”

“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.”

“The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Thomas Jefferson.

There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and other is the Bill of Rights.”

Smedley Butler.

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom!”

Albert Einstein.

WEALTH WITH PHILANTHROPY is like Capitalism WITH Conscience, is like Government WITH Oversight, is like Eisenhower's Farewell Address, and is IMPLEMENTED with the launch of the New Republic!

When the doors of perception are cleansed, things will appear to man as they TRULY are...INFINITE.

William Blake.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children ALL our lives.”

Albert Einstein.

The TRUE measure of greatness of the individual, organization, society and world IS NOT a focus on elevating war, sales, and margin, but rather a focus on elevating the marginalized into a world that works for all of creation!

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try!"

John F. Kennedy.

REPRISE Writing.
Meet the new war...
Meet the new wisdom....
Melanie completes me. 
Mele Kalikimaka!

Merry pranksters.
Memorandum of understanding.
Metacognition and action.

METACognition and action, too.  3/1/20.
Metamorphosing. 04/03/21.
Metaverse Mark and the Funky Bunch!  12/23/21.
MOAB: the MOTHER of all BUBBLES!  4/9/20.
Models.  9/18/20.
Money changer parlor tricks....
Moonbeam strikes back!! 
"More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette"  2/14/20.
MORE MORE MORE! How do ya like it?? 3/17/20.
Morning has broken!  9/27/20.
Mountain of God.  
Move like this.    


Mr. Potter's debtors are hereby ordered...4/27/20.
Mr. Potter's principles remain the same.  9/22/20.
Mrs. Penny, why don;t you write a play?  9/30/20.
Multilevel Distributed Infrastructure Deployment.

My Father is the gardener.
My HAARP is bigger than yours.
My, how quickly those whimsical AI bots learn!!
My kind of towns.
My Message.    
Myopic focus.....
Nancy, It's all over now, baby blue 2/6/20.
Natural Immunity Passports.  08/30/21.
Never forget.
New model.   
New Policy.   
News perspective.  
New source of renewable protein.  
New Republic rev123.   
NO ARMY can stop IDEAS whose time have come.

No Army can stop an idea whose time has come.  7/4/21.
No Constitutional Crisis.    
No entangling alliances.      
No excuses.  
No greater love.  
No lies.    
No matter how arrived.
No need to imagine singularity.
Non-binary defecation DISASTER.

Non-producing GRIFTERS.    10/02/21. 
Not accepted by the many.

Not everything...11/05/20. 
Not Santa's ELF.
Not the Party of JFK. 
Not the same as it ever was.

NOTHING but flowers. 07/15/20.
Now the City Lights are Dimming One by One.  12/03/21. 
Nurture nature, Nature nurtures.
O lucky man!  
O tell me where your freedom lies...

Obama KNEW. 08/21/20
Octopus's Garden.

Ode to the old republic. 04/05/21.
Off-grid residential power phase 1. 11/20/20.
Oh, the water.
old republic musical chairs.
old republic neo-feudalism.
old republic pattern recognition. 

old republic theme.  06/04/20.
Oligarch Imperative. 11/15/20.
On a steel (and virtual) horse I ride. 07/13/20.
One can know peace as peace....  04/07/22.
One day.

One must fully-expose the doors of deception. 11/8/21.
One Tin Soldier Rides Away.   12/18/21.
Only the beginning! 06/28/20.

Only the crisis of ignorance. 

**Open Season on Soft Targets in Purple-Blue Locales.** 11/23/21.
Oprah karma.
Our creation.    
Our meat production NEVER closes! 04/29/20     
Out in the country.   
Organizers simply must insist on good manners.  
Paris ballroom days are over.  
Paris IS 1984 and burns. 

Partisan hackery 12/10/19.  
Party like it's 1929!!
Patently insane.  

Pathocracy end game.   09/07/21. 
Pathocrat Compounds.  07/30/21. 

Pathways to self-actualization.
Pattern acceleration. 
Pattern Recognition. 
Pattern Recognition, too.

Paul Revere Act II is complete.  07/08/21. 
Pay attention, Brennan.
Pay attention, Brennan AND Obama. 
Perpetual debt. 
Peace can be started by truth. 
Peace train. 

Percolating variables. 06/06/21. 
PG&E collapse.
PG&E files for bankruptcy today.
Phase transition from entropic old to rebirthing New. 03/11/22.
Picking winners and losers. 04/19/20  
Pieces of 8. 

Place doors and windows in a house....10/27/21 
Please forgive Becki and Jerry. 08/27/20

Please tell it like it WAS in the old republic.

Please understand the variables. 10/20/20
Pleasant Valley Sunday.  
Pluto discovered today in 1930.
Policy expired.  
Politics is the entertainment branch.
Politics is the entertainment division... 08/22/20 
Polymaths connect the dots.  04/13/21
Polymaths DO!!  10/24/21
Polymathic perspective. 11/07/20
Polymathic portal entry.  12/06/20
POP go the weasels!   

Possession is the motivation. 06/05/21.   
Pre-escalation contingency planning.  04/22/21.
Preparest thou to gird up thy loins! 05/08/20 
Profiles in CORRUPTION! 01/28/20
Profit and expense.   
Predators turning into prey.   
Principles for navigating BIG DEBT CRISES.  
Proclamations of Thanksgiving.   
Proclamations of Thanksgiving 2019.   11/23/19.
Pure Truth.  
Putting it ALL together.   12/08/21.    
Question vibrations.   
Q. answered.   
Q. is in the air.  
Q. the storm is upon us.  
Rare Earth. 

Read the signs and comprehend the maps.
READ the tea leaves... 04/15/20.
Readily purchased.
Ready for the ROARING 20's?? 12/13/19.  
Really have the courage? 
REAL American pie in REAL time.   
REAL election meddling.
Real politics 12/12/19.    
REAL time disturbances in SUN solar energy...  
Recipe for regenerative transformation (and miracles). 

RECORD DEMAND.  09/08/21.    
Recovered mission statement.
Red Dirt Rich. 

Red skies at night.  09/09/20.
REDOUNDING. 05/13/21.

Regeneration...Renewal...Reimagined...Regifted. 11/04/20.
Reject THAT which produces a 'Kafkaesque' existence.

Remember, Days are Numbers.

Replaced and canceled. 03/30/21.
REPO madness.

Republics and autocracies serious about quashing COVID...  08/18/21.
Requiem for the old republic. 01/26/20.

Requiem for the Leftists. 01/30/20.

REVELATIONARY times!  11/06/20.
Reverent Memorial Day.  05/25/20.  
Revolution is the opium of intellectuals.

Ride captain ride! 05/29/21.  
Ridin' the storm out.

Ringing the Dinner Bell. 10/09/21.
RISEN!! 04/12/20. 
ROAST WELL DONE!! 01/07/20. 
Rocking chair chronicles.  
Romantic age V2.0  

Room with a View.  11/03/21. 
ROUND 1: Globalists by unanimous decision!  03/16/20.
Ruling-class douche bags. 09/29/20.
Running with the Pack.  10/01/21.
S&P 500 weekly chart analysis: double top, hanging man.  9/17/19.
Sacking the Sackler's.
Sailing on the wind.

Same as it ever was.
Saturday in the Park.
Saul's useful idiot playbook.
Schiff happens.
Seasons don't fear the REPO 12/15/19.
See a pattern here?  11/19/19.
Seek but the right answer.
Self-organizing criticality 01/23/20.
Sentient LIVING.... 12/22/21.
Sentimental lady.

Serving to protect. 11/11/21.
Shadow ban.    
Shapes of things.  

Shattering RECORDS. 12/30/20. 
Should I try to do some more?
She's coming home...this Christmas day.
Signals to design accordingly.
Simply impolite. 
Sing for the Day.

Sleep comes like a drug in God's country. 08/09/20.
Sleight of hand and twist of fate. 06/27/20.

...so God made a Farmer 02/21/20. 
...so goodbye yellow brick road. 08/20/21.
...so Let the music play on! 10/15/20. 
So limitless and free. 04/24/21. 
So what can one little man do?  03/18/21.

Solsbury Hill. 

SOME are quick to take the bait. 06/02/20.
SOME are quick to take the bait. 09/25/21. 
Some explaining to do. 
Some explaining to do, too. 11/18/19.
Some explaining to do, Nancy. 
Some say it's just a part of it... 
Sometimes you can't see....

SOTU 2018.
Spiritus Mundi.
Spontaneous cooperation. 
Spreading literacy. 

Spring 2021.  04/15/21. 
Spy games without frontiers.

Stand by your man.
Stocks climb the wall of worry up...
Still Light.

Still on the line.

Stimulate what? 06/24/20. 
Store of value.
Strange days in the old republic.

Strange Days have tracked down the old republics and autocracies.  07/02/21. 
Strange waves have found us.

Summer's Almost Gone. 08/30/20.
sun exchange.
Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant.   
Sunday will never be the same.  
Sunspot baby. 

Surfside is the analog. 06/25/21.
SWAMP CREATURES: Oxycodone pushers.
Sweet Caroline! 04/04/22.
Sweet Cherry Wine.  
Synchronicity and Electric Universe.  
Take a look ahead!  
Tales from the crypt.
Talkin' 'bout Thunder Road! 01/27/20.
Team Biden's OWNERS are PLEASED.  10/10/21. 
Tempestuous Sea of Liberty. 
Ten dimensions and Jung.  
Thank you, Ben.  
Thank you Joni, Tina, and Samantha.  
That's a game changer. 
That's the SPIRIT!! 12/19/19.
That's what Dad would say....01/12/21. 
THAT'S where it's headed.
The antidote IS the Constitutional Republic. 

The antidote to the Cosmic Hoax... 08/05/21.
The answer is Saturday in the Park.  03/17/22.
The banquet of consequences.  
The Beginning of Wisdom. 

The best laid plans of mice and men 01/25/20.
The best thing to hold onto....
The BIG FREEZE....  
The Boxer. 
The Brave Die Standing For Truth. 09/03/22.
The breaking of illusion.... 08/24/21.
The call came in from Party Central. 06/01/20.
The Candy Man CAN!  02/28/21.
The care of human life. 
The consequences of asserting... 

The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue Happiness. 05/16/20.
The CORE.  09/06/20.
The Cuomo Brothers' Reflection.  12/21/21.
The curtain has been pulled back.

The days the music died... 
The dead cannot cry out for justice. 
The dead cannot cry out for justice, too. 

The Deep Red South is Rising Faster...  12/02/21.
The Definitive Young.  06/13/21.

The Degenerates of the Boomer Generation, Act 1. 03/25/21. 
The Dirty Dozen. 
The DUTCH rock the house.
The Eastern world, it is exploding. 02/13/22.
The END march of Self-Organizing Criticality. 

The END march of self-organizing criticality is GASLIGHTING.  03/30/20. 
The Englishman reconnected to joy through Zorba the Greek.  03/27/21. 
The EPOCH Times.

The Eternal Recurrence. 11/25/22.
THE Executive Order.

The Few SHALL share the burgeoning Harvest with the many! 06/07/20.
The FINAL Exam. 08/19/20.
The FINAL mad rush out! 06/26/20.
The first and only object. 
The first time ever I saw Carmel. 
The FULLER challenge.

The FULLER laboratories!  9/26/20.
The FULLER View.

the future.... 10/09/20.
The Gentle Reformation. 05/09/20. 

The GIFT of selflessness.  01/01/20.
The gilded class. 08/07/20.
The Gilded Palace of sin. 

The GREAT octogenarian-fascist reset. 01/02/21.
The greatest benefit of self-sufficiency is freedom. 
The hour is getting late.  02/07/22.
The human experiment can succeed.... 12/16/20.
The Ice Age Cometh!  05/30/21.
The INFINITE energy, frequency, and vibration... 08/29/21.
The joy of existence for the many is the cause. 04/11/21.

The joyful expression of Liberty. 

The Law of SOC Prevails.  06/29/21.
The last pillar to rapidly crumble.  08/24/21.
The last occurrence of this duration.  11/18/21.
The legend lives on... 

The Lying Kings 02/10/20.
The longest running old republic war is OVER!! 08/31/21.
The means. 
The MEANS too. 
The men who knew too much.  09/23/20.
The Mighty Quinn.  09/01/20.
The moral arc of the Universe...  
The moral arc of the Universe, too...  
The moral arc CONTINUES to bend... 

The more you know..... 08/09/21.
The most rewarding element... 10

The new 3 percent..... 12/05/20.
The NEW REPUBLIC path forward. 09/30/20.

The NEW REPUBLIC is rising faster than the old republic is collapsing. 10/22/21.

The only NETWORK that matters.

The only 'Q' that matters....02/04/21.
The PERP WALK of life.

The POWER.... 06/18/21.
THE Presidential reality show!
The price exacted for capturing infinite moments....04/06/21.
The privilege of self-ownership. 11/11/22.
The progression from whimsical... 06/30/21.
The purpose of discipline is to live life more FULLER, not less! 10/29/19.
The REAL Game of Thrones. 
The REAL Game of Thrones, too.

The REAL game of thrones III...12/30/19.
The REAL game of thrones IV...1/2/20.
The reality show is BEST viewed.....03/31/22.
The rich shall relieve the suffering of the poor....12/12/20.
The Rocky and Bullwinkle show grinds on....03/22/22.
The rumors of OUR death...12/26/19.

The Second Coming. 07/10/20.
The secret of spontaneous positive change... 11/08/20.
The self-governed require no buffoon sycophant in the Oval Office.  09/17/21.
The Soul's Curriculum. 06
The steerage class is abandoning the aristocrats. 09/05/21.
The Stock Market MAY acquire a jump start!

The Taliban required no background check.  09/06/21.
The Technological Singularity Overlords.  12/13/21.
The time it is TODAY. 
The threat of future shock... 
The TRUE depths of swamp depravity...

The TRUE house of the rising sun. 12/22/20.
The TRUE levers of power are resonating. 12
The TRUE long term predictor of success is GRIT, not greed. 03/26/21.
The TRUE measure of greatness. 07/22/20.
The TRUE Power of Love. 11/11/22.
The TRUE "war on terror" has begun. 08/04/21.
The two most dreaded words... 
The voices of truth. 
Theater of the absurd.

There is a tide in the affairs of men. 2/26/22.
There is no "refugee" crisis.... 
There's a lot of badness in the world, Danny. 
There's danger on the edge of town. 
The rumors of the death. 
They ARE in the DNA.

They BOTH should be President! 03/03/20.
They only did what they had to do. 
There should be sunshine after rain.

The vine and the branches.
These ARE the days.
These are the days, too. 8/14/20.
THESE are the good old days!  03/04/22.
THIS Christmas Day.    
This is a love of the one magician.  
This is a test of the non-emergency broadcasting system. 02/29/20. 
This is NOT an examination.  01/04/22.   
This is Sam Cooke.    
This Man.   
Thriving v. Languishing. 

Three Covid-19 Clinical Trials.  09/12/21.
Through the ages...12/21/19.
Throw down the gauntlet.
Thunderbolts project.  
Thus spoke Bill, Robert, and Snoop!  
Thus spoke George.
Thus spoke George, Aldous, and Bill. 12/03/20.
Thus Spoke John Brown Act II.  11/16/20.
Thus spoke Scott Adams.
Thus spoke Tom, Bill, and Robert!  
Tiananmen Square remembered.  
Till it's gone forevermore.
Time and Energy is BEST spent building out the NEW!! 11/7/21.
Time for DEMOCRATS TO RALLY!! 8/19/20.
Time for REPUBLICANS TO RALLY!! 8/26/20.
Time to call the engine room, Jerome! 02/27/21.
Time to IMMEDIATELY deploy Metaverse! 11/21/21.
TIME to report to work. 10/08/21.
Time to wrap up, Grandpa Munster.

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism...
Timid men prefer the calm of despotism, too.

To be where I have been.

To live and die in L.A. 12/9/19.
To pass beyond is what I sought....01/17/21.
Tomorrow never knows. 01/18/20.
Took a picture that I had to send her.  06/08/21.
Transform from weaponry to livingry.


TRUE obscenity. 02/12/21.
TRUE Shaman develop, provide, and distribute...06/18/20.
True social security. 07/03/21.
TRUE treason.

Trojan horse hack from the land of Mao.
Truer words were never spoken.

Trump,  the unlikely hero formed from the obstinate antihero.  09/07/20.
Truth in art. 
TRUTH in plain view. 

TRUTH is a function of time, discovery, and disclosure. 12/30/20.
TRUTH is formidable. 5/27/20.

Truth tellers appear... 6/16/21.
TRUTH to power!! 4/8/20.
TRUTH to power, too!! 5/29/20.
Truthful minutes turn. 
Truth is transcendent.
Truth telling is a hazardous occupation...
Try to Remember.
Try to tell us something we don't know.

Tulsi TRUTH!!  
Understand COG protocol. 3/23/20.
Understand motive.  
Understand nouns.  
Under waterfall.

Undying debt.  
Unflinching sentinels.
United Constitutionalists FOR America.

UNSURVIVABLE Storm Surge!! 08/26/20.
UCFUN! 01/22/20.
Up, Up, and Away!!  11/9/21.
Uranium one. 

U.S. whereby percolation... 09/27/21.
Useful idiot rebellion.
Useful spokespersons for globalists.

Ventura Highway. 05/19/21.
Victims readily submit to Fascism.  
Virtue is a ray of Celestial Beauty.  
Voltaire and me.
WALK by faith 03/13/20.
Walk like a man.
Walk of life.

Walk to them.

Want a mandate to govern, Joe??  11/09/20.
War games.
War games without frontiers.   
WAR is the ultimate tool of politics.  

WARNING: econ DEFCON-1 for ALL major U.S. citiies. 12/27/20.
Wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Way to go Jen!!   
Wealth without Philanthropy....     
Weaponized weather. 
We are safe and sound.  09/02/21.
WE agree Eric!  
We better get those borders open soon.  
WE can see for miles and miles.  
WE can see for miles and miles, too. 
We Have All the Time in the World. 10/17/22.
We have been compelled....  
WE HAVE taken lessons from the Founders. 9/19/19.

WE HAVE taken a lesson from the Founders, too. 3/30/20.
WE haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
WE haven't had that spirit here since 1969, too.  
WE send more than thoughts and prayers.  
WeWork(ed)....for ADAM. 

Wealth, Slavery, Religion, War.  03/01/22.
Webster's 2018 addition of Useful Idiot.
Week in INFAMY.   8/4/19.  
Weekend at Hillary's!! 

Welcome to the roaring 20's!!  4/7/20.
Well deserved break from MIT.
Well DONE is better than well SAID.  
Well that's alright by me.  
We'll sing in the sunshine.   
We persist in connecting Love....   
We share in creation of choices.
WE share in creation of choices, too.
WE'VE all come to look for America.
Welcome to the home by the sea.
Welcome to the Occupation!!
What a market top and fallout look like.
What have you done to my Dad?
What is the Truth? Where did it Go? 04/04/20.
What makes you, "you"?
What IS that sound? 07/02/20.
What's it all about, Gerald?
What's the matter, Barry?? 02/17/20.
What the mind of man.... 09/03/20.
Whatever Could go Wrong??.... 08/06/24.
When I'm old and wise.  
When the bullet hits the bone.

When the going got tough... 04/28/20.
When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear.

When the trucks stop rolling.  07/27/20.
When the Universe is the Design Studio.  05/13/22.
When the volcano blows.....  10/21/21.
When they go low, we go high.

When truth represents an existential threat.
WHERE Do YOU Stand?  12/17/21.
Where does censorship lead....
Where does Kamala Harris's toughness come from? 08/15/20.
Where Liberty dwells, there is MY country! 04/03/20.
Where have you been my blue eyed son?

Where sustaining synchronicity and self-actualization... 10/11/20.
Where the bluebirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies ARE the ruling class. 09/05/20.
Where the discussion focused on...
Where the pretty people play...
Where WERE you? (at the "official" start of WW III)  2/22/22.
While AI answers the phones....
...with freedom as our only cornerstone. 
Why can't we be friends?    
Within the UNION of A and B...  
Who are our friends?

W.H.O. are you?  11/30/21. 
Who is a renegade? 

WHO Says You Can't Go Home?  12/04/21. 
Why all the selling and stockpiling...like it's 2007?? 

Why aren't you in the water? 05/21/20. 
Why does that trouble you, when your home is here? 06/15/21.
Why don't K-12 have the BEST...02/09/20. 

Why is it? 
Why women live longer than men!

Wild horses.  
Wild Mountain Honey. 
Wisdom knows when a sledgehammer is required.

WINNING isn't everything....05/05/20.  
With a $51.67 BILLION dollar budget....03/25/20.

WITH proper attribution.    12/16/21.
Without Indemnification.  07/23/21.

Words will hardly do. 
World Peace I.   
World Peace I, too.   
Wouldn't want to be standing in your shoes.
Wouldn't want to be standing in your shoes, too.
Wrong button.   
Yacht dealers are becoming VERY concerned...
Year of the Cat.   12/15/21.
Yet another silver lining... 05/31/20.

You don't get off that easy, "deputy".
You just may be right, Mr. Morrison.
You know it when you're in it.
YOU have a choice, Mitch. 12/14/19.
YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature Mr. Beale!!

You shall KNOW them.... 11/1/20.
You were born to be independent and free.

Your papers are NOT in order.  10/12/21.
Your valleys and your farms.

Zany Madcap Antics!  09/21/21.
Zoo station.


 A Summer Song.
Anybody Here?
Awaiting on You All!

Bat Out of Hell!
Beach Baby!!

Beach Baby II
Because it's Summer!

Book of Dreams.
Blinded by the Light!

Blue Sky.

Born on the Bayou.
Bridge Over Troubled Water. 
Closer to Home. 
Come together.  
Counsel of the Wise.

Crystal Blue Persuasion.
Cy and Jean Remembrance.
Cy Lines.    

Danny Boy.
Days of Future Passed.
Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying.

Driver's Seat!
Driving Home For Christmas.
Everybody's Gonna Jump For Joy!
Everyone is Now Dumber! 
First Circle.
Flowers Cover Everything.
For What It's Worth.
Freaker's Ball.
Free Bird!!
From the Beginning.    
Fun With Dad!
Goin' Home.   

Going Down to New Orleans!
Goodbye Grandpa Cy We Love You!

Goodbye Jean We Love You!
Goodbye John.
Got Comedy??   
Got Love?
 Greensboro Nutcracker
Hair of the Dog.
 Happy Mother's Day!
Harvest Moon. 

Hawaii Five O.

Highway Star!
Hilly's Tune.    

Hungry Like the Wolf.
I Must Let the Show Go On
If I Were A Carpenter.  
Indian Summer.

Indian Summer.
It's a Beautiful Morning!

 I've Always Loved You.   

Journey to the Center of the Truth.
Kiss From a Rose.

Love's Theme.
Let's Go Away For Awhile.

Liberty to Dance.

Life in a Northern Town.
Life of Illusion.
Living in the Past.  

Living in the USA 1968.  
Lust For Life.      
mele kalikimaka.

Message to Humanity.
Minutes to Memories.
Mission: Impossible: Succeeded.
Mystic Traveler.
News of the World 2024.
New World in the Morning.

No Fair at All.  
Not Fragile.   
October 2008 Fun.

Ode to the old republic.
old days. 

Old Fashioned. 
old republic theme.
One Day!.
One Tin Soldier.  
Pleasant Valley Sunday. 
Polymaths DO!!. 
Psalm 23.

Ride My Seesaw.
Roll With the Changes!
Room with a View.
Route 66!
Run With the Pack.
Sail On.

San Francisco.
 Saturday in the Park.
Say Goodbye to Hollywood.

Sentimental Lady.
She's a Lady.
Sing for the Day. 

Sky High.   
Sleigh Ride.


Still Light. 
Stone in Love!
Sunrise and Sunset Over Atlantic Beach.
Summer Breeze!
Summer Place.
Sweet Caroline!

Sweet City Woman! 
The Beginning of Wisdom. 
The Candy Man CAN!
The Crystal Ship.
The Doctor Report NO Adverse Effects!

The Doors (Crystal Ship).
The Last Farewell.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
The sun ain't gonna shine anymore.  
The Voice.

Think Different! 
This Day.
Thus Spoke FullerThustra.  

Tomorrow Never Knows.  
Transform the World.

Trump I Dare You!
Try to Remember.

Tuesday Afternoon.

Up, Up, and Away.
 Ventura Highway I.
Ventura Highway II.

Walk Like a Man.

Walk on By.

Walking on the Sun!
 Wear Your Love Like Heaven.
WE can see for miles and miles. 

We Have All the Time in the World. 
Welcome Back! 
When the Levee Breaks.

Where the streets have no name.
When the universe IS the design studio.
 Who Do You Love? 
Who Says You Can't Go Home?

Why Can't We be Friends?


"It is a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
-John F. Kennedy.

Some Explaining to do.

“Does the individual have the courage to really go along with the TRUTH?”

New Republic  =  REGENERATIVE Globalism   =  BREAKTHROUGH ENERGY. : Go.Out.Do.

He who binds himself to a joy,
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies,
Lives in eternity's sunrise.
- William Blake

When the student is ready,
the Teacher will appear;
When the student is TRULY ready,
the Teacher will disappear.

Truth telling is a hazardous occupation...

Same as it ever was.

Not the Party of JFK. 

In the arena. 

The moral arc of the Universe... 

Because it's summer!  

Here, there, and everywhere.

Distributed Infrastructure Deployment.

Flowers cover everything!!

Pathways to self-actualization.

We have been compelled....  

“For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime-change war after the next, leading us into a new cold war and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end.”
- Tulsi Gabbard, June 27, 2019.

How is that $9 an hour engineering labor working out for you Dennis??

Here they come....


Store of value.

Break on through the Matrix!!

The greatest benefit of self-sufficiency is freedom.

GOD is a verb.

Well DONE is better than well SAID.


Meet the new wisdom...

New Policy.

Some explaining to do, too.  

Proclamations of Thanksgiving.

Let me tell you a tale that is often told.

Ready for the ROARING 20's??


Institutionalized ROT.

Institutionalized ROT II.

The GIFT of selflessness.

Self-organizing criticality.


Go tell it on the mountain II.


Tomorrow never knows.

Living in the past.

Still light.

Tomorrow never knows II.
Just one word:


Nancy, it's all over now, baby blue.


Aligning for the Fallout.

Damnit Jim I'm a Doctor!

Behold, as the "overpopulation" committee...

...and NOW you have the rest of the story.

Coronavirus infections WILL NOT officially increase in the U.S.

Globalists launch MAXIMUM counter-offensive.

JFK Revisited.

For the times they are a-changin', too.

Daddy tried.

Econ DEFCON-3.

ROUND 1: Globalists by unanimous decision!

Hegelian dialectic: Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Autarky: If your time to you is worth savin'

With a $51.67 billion dollar budget...

WE HAVE taken lessons from the Founders, too.

Where Liberty dwells, there is MY country!

What is the Truth? Where did it Go?

TRUTH to power!!

KNOW thy timelines.

READ the tea leaves...

Picking winners and losers.

Don't call for your surgeon...

Essentially non-workers.

Mr. Potter's debtors are hereby ordered....

When the going got tough....

Did they get you to trade?

CHLOROX is an allegory...

Gosh Jeff...

The Gentle Reformation.

A bunch of okie-dokie is ensuring...

Why aren't you in the water?

Reverent Memorial Day.

TRUTH to power, too!!

Yet another silver lining...

SOME are quick to take the bait.

old republic theme.

The few SHALL share the burgeoning Harvest with the many!

TRUE Shaman develop, provide, and distribute...

Only the beginning!

Consulting Engineering Leaders.

Extended zero-bound.

Chance favors the prepared mind!

Forever young.

NOTHING but flowers.

Goldman Sachs is CRUSHING IT!


When the trucks stop rolling.

The gilded class.
 It is an Empire accounting problem.

These are the days, too.

From a Chinese perspective...

The NEW REPUBLIC is rising faster than the old republic is collapsing.


Politics is the entertainment division...

290 collective years of swamp construction.


It's an Eminence Front.

The Mighty Quinn.

Emerging calamities of BIBLICAL proportion.


Red skies at night.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed ONLY to those who OWN one.

ALL is not lost!


Mr. Potter's principles remain the same.

The FULLER laboratories!

Ruling-class douche bags.

 Mrs. Penny, why don't you write a play?

ACTIONS congruent with the teachings...

Doctor my eyes...

Forgiveness accelerates the launch to SYNCHRONICITY.

Where sustaining synchronicity and self-actualization...

The most rewarding element...

I'd STILL need a plumber!!

Conventional thought disrupted.

Have YOU 5s'd today?

The curtain has been pulled back.

But I swear in the days still left.

Not everything...

Polymathic perspective.

Want a mandate to govern, Joe??

A modern-day Tom Sawyer development center.

Oligarch Imperative.

Off-grid residential power phase 1.

Genius IS as Genius DOES...

Thus spoke George, Aldous, and Bill.

Polymathic portal entry.

Broadcasting the receipt.

The human experiment can succeed....

Hey Hey My My....

ALL TRUE egalitarian-based effort...

WARNING: econ DEFCON-1 for ALL major U.S. cities.

The GREAT octogenarian-fascist reset.

It's a BIG IDEA.

Diffusing Clear and Present Dangers.

History BEFORE it Happens.

LOVE is the only force capable...

Abating the anger...

You're going to need a bigger castle, Vlad.

Inject a new dimension.

Let joy come unasked, unplanned.

TRUE obscenity.

He took it upon himself.

Hemi Sync Neural Oscillation.

All come to look for America, too.

Time to call the engine room, Jerome!

Laughter IS the BEST medicine!

The Englishman reconnected to joy through Zorba the Greek.

Pre-escalation contingency planning.

The price exacted for capturing infinite moments...

Polymaths connect the dots.

...for the birds that have flown.

So limitless and free.

GREASE is the word!

Being in the Flow State.

Days of Future Passed.

Ventura Highway.

Ride captain ride!

Possession is the motivation.

Took a picture that I had to send her.

Live and lead by the vision.

The Definitive Young.

Why does that trouble you, when your home is here?

The Soul's Curriculum.

Like a ROCK.

Further consolidation.

It's a Beautiful Morning!

The Law of SOC Prevails.

Strange Days have tracked down the old republics and autocracies.

No Army can stop an idea whose time has come.

Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.

As 2021 is to 1971, in the New Republic.

Without Indemnification.

It is NOT the destiny...

Pathocrat Compounds.

Favorable quantum outcomes.

The TRUE "war on terror" has begun.


...so goodbye yellow brick road.

It is an electric universe.

The breaking of illusion.

The INFINITE energy, frequency, and vibration...

Does the very same Pathocracy...

May the force be with you.

The steerage class is abandoning the aristocrats.

Pathocracy end game.

Biden's Hitlerian Mandate.

Higher Ground.

It's a Highway Song.

The self-governed require no buffoon sycophant in the Oval Office.

Zany Madcap Antics!

Little Anthony and the Imperials.

U.S. whereby percolation...

INVASION...of the money-changers!

Running with the Pack.


Hey Buddy, can ya spare a trillion?

Ringing the Dinner Bell.

Your papers are NOT in order.


When the volcano blows...

History rhymes.


CLASSIC Rope-A-Dope.

Eyes NOT Wide Shut.

It takes NOTHING to join the crowd.


Capacity to See Beauty.

Eagle Flew Out of the Night!

One must fully-expose the doors of deception.

Kiss From a Rose.

Diabolically Brilliant.

The Last Occurrence of this Duration.

Awaken to the Truth!

Time to IMMEDIATELY deploy Metaverse!

**Open Season on Soft Targets in Purple-Blue Locales.**

Happy North Carolina Thanksgiving!

I Got the Juice by Design and Build!

W.H.O. are you?

Now the City Lights are Dimming One by One.

Be a Reflection!

The Cuomo Brothers' Reflection.

Putting it ALL together.

China was invited to consume the old republic.

In Service to the TRUTH.

Year of the Cat.


EXPANSION of Local Supply Chains!

Eternal Sunshine of the Brightest Minds!


...and so I demonstrate to YOU.

This is NOT an examination.

Informing ALL energy discussion.

Dual Nature of Light.

The hour is getting late.

Days of Purification.

There is a tide in the affairs of men.

Growth, Maturation, Entropy, Rebirth.

THESE are the good old days!

Games People Play.

Phase transition from entropic old to rebirthing New.

The answer is Saturday in the Park.

Every Life is better as an alchemist.

Free to roam about the cabin of life!

Breathe in the Air.

Halcyon Moments.

The TRUE Power of Love.

Love : Gratitude    :   Joy    :  
Counsel of the Wise   
: Desiderata

All sentient life is balanced on the wave of joy and sadness and tragedy and hope.
Only YOU can make a difference!

The creation, sharing, and extending of halcyon moments, for the many, at peace, IS the moral imperative.


The magic of quantum mechanics is in the wisdom of choosing peaceful quantum entanglements!

CONSTITUTIONALISM.….is the new counterculture!


Carpe Diem!

Sola Vertus Invicta!

Amor fati!

Magnum opus!


I'm with HER!!

"There is no energy, food, or environmental crisis; only the crisis of ignorance." -R. Buckminster Fuller.

HIGH VOLTAGE  :  Transform the world.

"Never doubt that a small number of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens can Change the World. Indeed, it's the Only Thing that ever Has.
-Margaret Mead.


CONSTITUTIONALISM...is the new counterculture! |

 What is Truth?

In all heavens, beauty reigns,
Its beings possess much of divinity.
Peace and harmony rule these realms,
Their beings know not the word 'war'.
- Victor Hugo

As 2019 is to 1969 is to 1769,  by design.


WE share in creation of choices, too.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

I know the old man would laugh. 

The days the music died...



Beyond a wholesome discipline... 

Shapes of things.   

TRUTH is transcendent.

Little wing. 

CONSTITUTIONALISM...is the new counterculture. | playlist.
Love : Gratitude    :   Joy    :  
Counsel of the Wise    : Desiderata

WAR is the ultimate tool of politics.

Happy Greenstock !!

I think it's time to get ready.

Change record required.

TRUE treason.

  sun exchange.

Come together.

That's the SPIRIT!!

Through the ages...

The rumors of OUR death...

The REAL game of thrones III.

The REAL game of thrones IV.

It's NOT a wall!! It's a PEACE train!

American interests.

Bridge Over Troubled Water.

Why don't K-12 public schools have the BEST...

The Lying Kings.

Hair of the Dog.

"More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette".

What's the matter, Barry?

It's the Will of the People...

...so God made a Farmer.

Come on and STIR IT UP!

This is a test of the non-emergency broadcast system.

METACognition and action, too.

They BOTH should be President!

Green Dragon Tavern.

Don't know how to explain it.

WALK by faith.

Globalist end game.

MORE MORE MORE!  How do ya like it??

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism too.

Understand COG protocol.

Financial Games without Frontiers...

Constitutionalism IS the new counterculture!!

The END march of self-organizing criticality is GASLIGHTING.

Welcome to the roaring 20's!!



He who binds himself to a joy...

Early 70's SUMMER is calling!

Goodbye crazy city.

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

In the vast continuum....

Our meat production NEVER closes!

WINNING isn't everything...

If there is a silver lining...

Preparest thou to gird up thy loins!

The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue Happiness.

Hong Kong and Taiwan DEFCON-3 Round House.

TRUTH is formidable.

George Floyd is now an allegory.

The call came in from Party Central.

Ben Franklin called it.

Failure Mode Effects Analysis (of the old republic).

How Long?

Stimulate  What?

The FINAL mad rush out!

Sleight of hand and twist of fate.

What IS that sound?

Happy Independence Day!

Ladies and Gentlemen, PLACE your bets!

The Second Coming.

On a steel (and virtual) horse I ride.

The FULLER View!

Can humanity be convinced in time?

Fealty to a higher law.

Sleep comes like a drug in God's country.

The TRUE measure of greatness.

 Danny boy.

Where does Kamala Harris's toughness come from?

Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven.

The FINAL Exam.

Obama KNEW.

Compared to What?


Please forgive Becki and Jerry.


Summer's Almost Gone.

What the mind of man...

Where bluebirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies ARE the ruling class.

Trump, the unlikely hero formed from the obstinate antihero.

Evacuate to where, EXACTLY?

The dichotomy is as surrealistic as a pillow is soft.

The men who knew too much.

Let it rain!

Everything that is OUTRAGEOUS...

Morning has broken!

The New Republic path forward.

COVID-19: The more YOU know.

Enduring acts of creation are CONSTRUCTIVE!

the future....

Building the new!

So let the music play on!

Please understand the variables.

Compromised assets.

In this corner...

Hunter Biden and Rockin' Rudy!

Got a feeling '21 is going to be a good year!

The purpose of discipline is to live life more FULLER, not less!

You shall KNOW them...



The secret of spontaneous positive change...

ALL dynamic systems require diversity.

50-year cycle.

Thus Spoke John Brown Act II.

A tale of two republics.

It's good to warm my bones beside the fire.

The new 3 percent...

I have seen infinity for the globalist oligarchs.

The rich shall relieve the suffering of the poor...

The TRUE levers of power are resonating...

Do you know what I know?

The TRUE house of the rising sun.

Shattering RECORDS.

It is better...

That's what Dad would say...

Castigated for the latter.

Ben. Called. It.

To pass beyond is what I sought...

Different level of thinking.

ALL we are saying is give TRUTH.

All things must pass away.

I'm younger than that now.

The only 'Q' that matters...

Fly through the revolution.

Calamity IS reversible.

Future Shock: Reversion Shock.

Entropy: The final percolating variable.

I see friends shaking hands.

The Candy Man CAN!

So what can one little man do?

The Degenerates of the Boomer Generation, Act 1.

The TRUE long term predictor of success is GRIT, not greed.

Replaced and canceled.


Ode to the old republic.

The joy of existence for the many is the cause.

Spring 2021.

It is the summer of love...

True social security.

Corrupted descendants.

Hide NOT your talents.

Don't you feel it growing, day by day??


Frame of reference.

The Ice Age Cometh!

At first flash of Eden...

Percolating variables.

As 2021 is to 1971, in the old republic.

Chicken Fried.

In addition to cyclic pattern recognition...

Truth tellers appear...

The POWER...

Crystal Blue Persuasion.

Has proven prescient...

Surfside is the analog.

The progression from whimsical...

True "Social Security" is a civilization and planet at peace.

Asceticism is the new "In" crowd.

Confidence to stand alone.

Paul Revere Act II is complete.

Acknowledged: Rock - Paper - Scissors.

Enlightened Commoners.

Logic will get you from A to B...

Developers bet on "long evolution."

The antidote to the Cosmic Hoax...

The more you know.

Republics and autocracies serious about quashing COVID...

Deja vu.

The last pillar to rapidly crumble.

Natural Immunity Passports.

The longest running old republic war is OVER!!

We are safe and sound.

It is STILL sequestered.

The Taliban required no background check.


An old Cherokee...

Three Covid-19 Clinical Trials.

As a well-spent day...

It is NOT for lack of Paul Revere, ACT II...

By Order of his eminence...

Happy Days are here again!

Some are quick to take the bait.

Driving Home For Christmas.

I'm Going Back.

Joe "Can't Recall" Biden.

Non-producing GRIFTERS.

Geriatric Douchebags.

TIME to report to work.

Team Biden's OWNERS are PLEASED.


And so I say to you...

The NEW REPUBLIC is rising faster...

Polymaths DO!!

Place doors and windows in a house...

Everbody's (in the New Republic) Gonna Jump For Joy!

Knee-capping hydrocarbon production.

Room with a View.

Imperial Oligarch Financial Bolsheviks.

Time and Energy is BEST spent building out the NEW!!

Up, Up, and Away!!

Inspector Callahan has left San Francisco.

Serving to protect.

Indian Summer.

It is NO secret!


Enemies of Peace, Tranquility, and Posterity.

In Unity With Illimitable-Spirit and Nature.

As 2021 is to 1971!


Let Your Light Shine!

The Deep Red South is Rising Faster...

WHO Says You Can't Go Home?

ALL have access to a Norman Rockwell existence.


It IS getting sporting.

The Technological Singularity Overlords...

WITH proper attribution.

One Tin Soldier Rides Away.


Sentient LIVING....

Metaverse Mark and the Funky Bunch!


TRUTH is a function of time, discovery, and disclosure.

It's ALL I can do.

2022 Walden 2.0.

Keep on Rocking in the Free World!


The Eastern world, it is exploding.

Beijing Bill Gates and friends.

Where WERE you? (at the "official" start of WWW III).

Wealth, Slavery, Religion, War.

Civilization Rebirth: Core Principles.


Be the happy blokes strumming the instruments!

The Rocky and Bullwinkle show grinds on....

Energy Diversity.

The reality show is BEST viewed....

Sweet Caroline!

One can know peace as peace....

When the universe IS the design studio.

The Brave Die Standing For Truth.

It's not complicated.

We Have All the Time in the World.

The privilege of self-ownership.

The Eternal Recurrence.

Simplicity. Patience. Compassion.


Roll With the Changes!

It's NOT a wall!!
It's a PEACE train!

A FULLER genealogy from 1546 A.D and Plymouth Rock.

Mystic Travelers.

Whatever Could go Wrong??

My Father is the Gardener.

** END of broadcast. **

** Go. Out. Do!! **